By: David Huff
Changing Our Narrative
Fellow gardeners,
For me, Organic Gardening began as a hobby after the birth of our first daughter, Anaiah. Over the years, our garden has blossomed into more than what I would have ever imagined. Since planting the very first seed, I have learned the benefits of organic gardening and how to be resourceful. In 2017, after receiving much praise, we decided to share our hobby through blogging and created “Seed-Time-Harvest.” My wife and I have been gardening for over four years and have enjoyed every bit of it.
My wife and I moved into our home in 2013 and after overcoming the challenges of what first-time parenting can throw at you, we were ready to begin our garden. The idea came when we had to replace a fence. Instead of throwing the pickets away, I decided to upcycle them and make raised garden boxes. The first challenge was clearing an area (till this day I kick myself for not doing before and after photos) and leveling the ground.
Once this phase was completed, the next step was adding soil and designing a layout for irrigation. Here’s a hint: When doing a large project, consider purchasing amend soil from a landscaping company. You’ll receive five times the amount for the same price than if you purchased individual .75-2 cubic feet bags of soil from your local hardware store. As you will see, gardening can be as simple as plug and play, and as challenging as steps A-Z.
Over the years, gardening has not only been therapeutic, but it’s been a great way for me to spend time with my daughters. To have them experience sticking their finger into the soil, getting their hands muddy and wet, and finally watching their eyes light up when the seed finally emerges is an experience that is everlasting. My oldest is in kindergarten, and when she says, “Dad!! Today I got to talk about our garden and the life cycle of a seed and all the steps,” it makes me smile.
The joy that organic gardening has brought to my family and I is everlasting. We currently have three children, Anaiah, six, Gabriell, four, and Josiah, four months. One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that they are eating something that was sprayed with organic fertilizer and organic pesticide. The greatest sight is watching them run around eating fresh fruit from the garden as they fill their baskets up with produce.