By: Dr. William Holmes Robinson
Reel Urban News COVID19 Series
Prior to this global pandemic, The Olivet Church was a leader in utilizing social and digital media to share the Word of God. It has always been a goal of ours to make certain that all of our members, including those unable to physically attend could still experience the worship service virtually. As a Pastor, it fills my heart with joy knowing that we have been able to reach military personnel stationed in Iraq and stay connected with college students away from home. During the construction of our new building, I deemed it essential to invest in the proper video and audio equipment to ensure our at- home supporters were able to experience the Worship Service with clarity.
Today, our commitment to intentionally incorporate technology as a part of our mission is more important than ever. Christians around the world are coming to an understanding of how useful technology and social media are. The various social media platforms provide our church an opportunity to ease our community’s minds and hearts with the loving word of God, uplifting music and a personal message of hope, peace and faith.
Our Worship Services are not canceled. For now, they will just look a little differently than we have been accustomed to. We recognize that church is not a building, but it represents something much more vital and enduring –it is a fellowship made up of US!
As a place of worship, temporarily closing our doors creates a natural concern. We are passionate about conveying the Word of God and launching our fellowship towards a more meaningful understanding of and a more thriving relationship with Jesus Christ. We refuse to respond with fear, but with faith!
Like everyone else, we at The Olivet Church are adjusting to the uncertainties surrounding COVID-19 and the impact it continues to have on our world. We do not know how long it will be until our lives return as we have known it. As such, we are committed to continue our mission to spread positivity, and confidence in God concerning his promises to his people. Our continued prayer is that individuals who are understandably fearful, are constantly reminded of the faithfulness of God. It is our goal that our consistent message will serve as a beacon of light in these dark and dismal times.
How We’re Staying Connected with Our Fellowship Technology is a cornerstone of our ability to speak the Word, now more than ever. We’re making sure to cover as many digital platforms as we can to cater to our uniquely diverse congregation. That requires understanding our fellowship, extending an extra effort to clear away technology challenges because they have their own daily challenges to contend with, and making it comfortable and simple for them to stay connected.
Stay Connected:
We understand some of our older members are not familiar with Facebook and Instagram, however they are very familiar with their email and online access. That’s why we’ll stream The Olivet Church services on Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. not only through Facebook, but also on our website. Instead of forcing our congregation to adapt and placing an extra burden on them, we’re going where they are.
For our members (usually the younger ones) who are more comfortable exploring new apps and formats, we’re also using Zoom to host our regular Bible Study classes and Sunday School classes. Zoom is easy to use, doesn’t require a membership to join meetings and is compatible with a very wide range of devices and brands.
We may all be stuck in the house, but you can watch any of our past sermons on YouTube: these videos are available on demand, at your convenience, without having to set up an account and with an easily shareable link. Again, we’re making it easy for people to stay connected not just with us, but with The Olivet Church staff, congregation members, volunteers and community as a whole. Stuck in the house doesn’t mean you can’t see the faces and hear the voices of your Pastor and friends!
We also send out uplifting and informative weekly emails to our over 1,000 subscribers. We use a simple sign up form to invite new subscribers. The newsletters include news about the Church, items sharing how to stay safe and healthy, updates about members and more. This technology is ideal for reaching out and making certain the members of our fellowship can continue to feel connected, supported and part of a caring community.
As one more element in our technology outreach, we are very excited to announce that we will launch our The Olivet Church app very soon. This is a convenient way to enjoy even more easy access to the Church and the Word we are sharing. It’s also a companion to our Daily Prayer Call, hosted every day at 6:00 a.m.: (712) 432-6301 / Conference ID: 425719#
I’m challenging our congregation to stay engaged and committed in their faithfulness and to join us for online worship. I have high expectations for myself and for our entire fellowship to look for ways to serve family and neighbors and share the eternal hope we all have in Jesus Christ.
It’s my highest goal to ensure no one feels isolated from love and faith, unable to connect with the Word, or left behind by our community. While what we’re doing may not look and feel like our traditional services, this disruption will be temporary. Technology lets us bridge the gap from now until then, and it also provides powerful tools to stay united in Christ before, now and afterward.
Giving More and Learning More Giving during this time is more important than ever. Our members’ gifts remain vitally important to the health and welfare of our Church and, in the absence of traditional gift giving at services, we use technology to provide several ways to continue to give.
Our Giving Page is designed to help make gift giving easy and rewarding for our fellowship. These gifts support the Church’s mission and they support many of our individual members, who are facing unexpected and very serious challenges in these troubled times. Our work requires the vital contributions of our fellowship and technology is helping us walk together in faith and contend with these challenges arm-in-arm.
Again, temporarily moving to online services is a drastic measure designed to protect all of our congregation. Our trust is in the Lord to deliver hope and be a light for us in the darkness. Our trust is in technology and social media to support that journey and make it easier, more satisfying and, ultimately, more rewarding for all of us. I’m happy to say it’s already working!
We look forward to resuming our traditional services at the appropriate time. We thank our fellowship for their understanding, their support and their faith in The Olivet Church.
Publishers Note: Special appreciation to The Olivet Church Community, Media and Technology Ministry, and Ms. Shirley R. Ball, Executive Assistant to Pastor William Holmes Robinson