Reel Urban News Special: “Over the years of owning horses, I have come to observe that horses treat everyone the same,” Nancy Corradini.

Horses may be large and intimidating however, inside they have a heart of gold and Stardust, the hero of “The Horse Who Loves Hats” is the perfect example of a gentle, loving friend. This delightful children’s picture book shares the story of how Stardust evolves from a racehorse to a therapy horse providing comfort and friendship to children of all ages and abilities.

“Over the years of owning horses, I have come to observe that horses treat everyone the same,” said author Nancy Corradini. “They are soulful creatures who can sense what you are feeling and respond in kind. One of the blessings of therapy horses is their ability to treat each person, regardless of their abilities or mental health, in the same way. They are the great equalizer and by example, show us how to treat one another.”

Corradini has been around race horses for years and when she looked for a “forever” home for her husband’s horse that was no longer racing; she discovered the world of therapy animals. She observed horses interacting with children on all levels on the autism spectrum as well as healthy children. Their ability to treat children with autism the same as others provided a sense of comfort and inclusion for all of the children which translated to the children and adults learning to interact with each other on a level playing field.

“As a retired research librarian, I was drawn to learning more about how therapy horses work and the opportunity that therapy provided horses no longer on the race track,” said  Corradini. “I wanted to create a story that not only showed the benefits of inclusion and equality but also the calming, loving nature of horses towards children.”

Michael Cook, Illustrator "The Horse Who Loves Hats"
Michael Cook, Illustrator “The Horse Who Loves Hats” (Early Draft)

“The Horse Who Loves Hats” brings to life the relationship that Stardust has with the children on the ranch as well as the friendship between two children, one who has autism, who bond over their love of a very special horse.

“Nancy has written a beautiful story for all children that demonstrates the value of friendships and the importance of treating one another equally,” said Lisa Umina, founder and publisher of Halo Publishing International. “I especially enjoy the element of the hats and the joy that the children find in sharing colorful hats with Stardust and with each other.

“I’m excited to discover that teachers are developing discussion groups within their classes using “The Horse Who Loves Hats” to demonstrate the equality of all children and that children with a variety of challenges don’t need to be treated differently,” said Corradini. “My hope is that through a more inclusive approach to relationships, it will distract children from bullying and lead them to understanding children with autism want to be treated just like everyone else.”

“The Horse Who Loves Hats” is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble or wholesale at Ingram Content.. Proceeds from the sale of “The Horse Who Loves Hats” will be donated to equine therapy and former racehorse placement non-profits. If you are interested in more information about autism and/or equine therapy programs, Nancy has provided resources at the end of her book that she has researched and found be to exceptional.

By: Nancy Lind Corradini

Prior to becoming an author, Nancy Lind Corradini worked as a librarian and shopkeeper. She retired early so she could play soccer and read to her grandchildren from her vast collection of picture books. Seeking a new experience, Nancy decided to transition her husband’s racehorse to a pet. What followed was the heartfelt journey of acceptance, friendship and fun shared in this story.